شروط خدمة Mattgur

تأسست منصة "Mattgur" في عام 2022 بغرض تعزيز التجارة الرقمية الآمنة وسهلة الاستخدام. حصلت على تأييد رسمي من منصة معروف السعودية برقم 273621، وتحمل الرقم التسجيلي 3113799538 من الهيئة العامة للزكاة والضرائب والجمارك. تلتزم المنصة بلوائح نظام حماية البيانات الشخصية في المملكة العربية السعودية والإرشادات التي وضعتها الهيئة السعودية للاتصالات وتقنية المعلومات.

تُجرى عمليات التوثيق للمتجر باستخدام منصة "أبشر" ووزارة التجارة السعودية. تعمل منصة "Mattgur"، التي تملكها شتاوي باي، في المملكة العربية السعودية ودول مجلس التعاون الخليجي بموجب السجل التجاري السعودي رقم 4030481861. كما تعمل أيضًا في المملكة المتحدة بموجب السجل التجاري رقم 14568986 وفي تركيا بموجب رقم التسجيل MERSIS في الغرفة التجارية التركية، الذي هو 9960859338000001.

الفرد الذي يمتلك حسابًا في Mattgur، سواء كان يتصرف كمستهلك أو تاجر أو بأي صفة أخرى، يعبر عن موافقته وقبوله. من خلال ذلك، يُعتبر قانونيًا كاملاً الأهلية وملزمًا بجميع المواد والشروط والأحكام الواردة في هذا الاتفاق. يعد ذلك تأكيدًا لالتزامه بالتشريعات ومحتويات الاتفاق. يجب أن يُلاحظ أن حساب Mattgur قد يكون على شكل موقع إلكتروني أو تطبيق جوال أو منصة إلكترونية. تبدأ الصلاحية والقابلية للتنفيذ لهذا الاتفاق عندما يوافق الفرد عليه ويبدأ في عملية التسجيل على حساب Mattgur، وفقًا للمواد الخامسة والعاشرة من نظام المعاملات الإلكترونية السعودي.

المادة 1 - المقدمة والتعريفات

المقدمة المقدمة أعلاه هي جزء أساسي من هذا الاتفاق، وأدناه ستجد معاني وتعاريف العبارات المستخدمة في هذا الاتفاق.

  1. يشير مصطلح "منصة Mattgur التي تملكها شتاوي باي" إلى الشركة التكنولوجية للمعلومات المسؤولة عن منصة Mattgur. تشمل هذه التعريفة جميع تجليات شركة منصة Mattgur للتكنولوجيا على الإنترنت، سواء كان ذلك على شكل تطبيق إلكتروني أو موقع على شبكة الإنترنت العالمية.
  2. يُشير مصطلح "التاجر" إلى كل فرد أو كيان تجاري يسجل في Mattgur لإنشاء متجره عبر الإنترنت. ينطبق هذا التعريف على الأشخاص الطبيعيين والأشخاص القانونيين، ويشمل جميع جوانب المتجر طالما يقوم الفرد بممارسة نشاطه التجاري من خلال Mattgur. ويشمل ذلك أيضًا موقع الويب الخاص بالتاجر.
  3. يُشير مصطلح "المتجر" إلى المتجر الخاص المستخدم من قبل التاجر داخل Mattgur.
  4. يُشير مصطلح "المستهلك" إلى كل فرد يشتري منتجًا أو خدمة من التاجر عبر المتجر الإلكتروني الذي أنشأه التاجر على Mattgur.
  5. يُشير مصطلح "الاتفاق" إلى القواعد والشروط التي تحكم استخدام Mattgur. يشمل ذلك جميع البنود والشروط المبينة في هذا الاتفاق، الذي ينظم ويحكم العلاقة بين الأطراف المعنية.
  6. يُشير مصطلح "مقدم الخدمة" إلى الخدمات التي يقدمها Mattgur للتجار من خلال أطراف ثالثة. يشمل تقديم الخدمات مجرد إنشاء رابط بين التاجر ومقدم الخدمة. يُلاحظ أن Mattgur لا تمتلك سلطة أو علاقة مباشرة مع الاتفاق الذي يتم التوصل إليه بين التاجر ومقدم الخدمة.

المادة 2 - الأهلية التجارية القانونية

  1. يقر التاجر بأنه يمتلك القدرة القانونية، المعترف بها وصحيحة وفقًا للقوانين واللوائح المعمول بها في المملكة العربية السعودية، وأنه على الأقل في الثامنة عشرة من العمر. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يؤكد أنه يمتلك المعرفة الكافية لإنشاء وإقامة وإدارة متجره عبر منصة Mattgur.
  2. كاستثناء من الأحكام المبينة في البند 1(1) من المادة 2(2)، يمكن للتاجر المشاركة في أنشطة التجارة حتى لو كان دون سن الرشد المعتبر في المملكة العربية السعودية (ثمانية عشر عامًا). ومع ذلك، في مثل هذه الحالات، يتعين على التاجر تقديم دليل على موافقة وليهم لإنشاء المتجر عبر الإنترنت. يمكن أن يشمل هذا الدليل على عقد ولاية وبيان موقع من ولي الأمر القانوني إذا اعتبر ذلك ضروريًا.
  3. يقر التاجر بأنه يمتلك أهلية سليمة ويؤكد أنه لا يعاني من أي حالات يستبعد فيها أو يظهر أعراضًا لعدم الأهلية.
  4. إذا قام التاجر بالتسجيل كمؤسسة أو شركة أو أي كيان قانوني آخر، فيجب على الكيان المسجل أن يمتلك القدرة القانونية والشرعية والترخيص اللازم لممارسة الأنشطة التجارية من خلال Mattgur.
  5. يتفق التاجر على أنه إذا كان قد انتهك هذا البند، "الأهلية التجارية القانونية"، سيتحمل عواقب مثل هذا الانتهاك في نظر المستهلكين أو المستخدمين أو الأطراف الثالثة. لا تتحمل Mattgur أي مسؤولية فيما يتعلق بالجوانب القانونية والتنظيمية والشرعية لتفاعل التاجر مع المستهلكين أو الأطراف الثالثة. في مثل هذه الحالات، يحق لـ Mattgur محاسبة التاجر بموجب أحكام المسؤولية التعاقدية والسعي للتعويض عن الأضرار التي قد تنشأ عن هذا الانتهاك. يمكن أن تؤثر هذه الأضرار على سمعة Mattgur بين التجار الآخرين والمستهلكين والمستخدمين أو الأطراف الثالثة.

المادة 3 - طبيعة التزام Mattgur

  1. دور Mattgur يقتصر بشكل كامل على تقديم أدوات الدعم الإلكترونية من خلال إنشاء المتجر. التزام Mattgur في إطار هذا الاتفاق محدود إلى إنشاء المتجر عبر الإنترنت للتاجر على منصة Mattgur وتقديم المتجر للمستخدمين.
  2. قد تقدم منصة Mattgur خدمات إضافية للتاجر أو المتجر، بما في ذلك خدمات الدعم التسويقي والإرشاد والاستشارات وبوابات الدفع الإلكترونية عبر الإنترنت. يُلاحظ أن جميع الخدمات التي تقدمها منصة Mattgur تخضع للمواد والشروط المبينة في هذا اتفاق الاستخدام.
  3. لا يلزم منصة Mattgur بتسهيل إتمام مبيعات المنتجات أو الخدمات بين المستهلك والمتجر. إلتزامها يقتصر على تقديم خدمات إنشاء المتجر عبر الإنترنت من خلال Mattgur. ومع ذلك، لا يؤثر ذلك على الخدمات الأخرى التي تستمر منصة Mattgur في تقديمها، مثل الإرشاد والاستشارات والدعم الفني والتسويق ووسائل الدفع.
  4. منصة Mattgur قد تقدم مؤقتًا بعض الخدمات المجانية لبعض المتاجر المحددة، مما يتيح للتجار تعديل وتخصيص مظهر متجرهم وفقًا لتفضيلاتهم. تقدم هذه الخدمات من قبل إدارة Mattgur مجانًا، ولكنها تكون محدودة وتخضع لقيود محددة. إذا كان التاجر يبحث عن خدمات إضافية، يجب عليه الاتصال بدعم تقني منصة Mattgur للاستفسار حول العروض ورسوم الحزم والخدمات الإضافية.
  5. جميع المعاملات التي تجري بين التاجر والمستهلك تكون مستقلة عن هوية Mattgur، ولا تتحمل Mattgur أي مسؤولية تجاهها. تشكل هذه المعاملات علاقة تعاقدية منفصلة تخضع للاتفاق الذي يتم إقامته بين التاجر والمستهلك. لذلك، في حالة عدم تحويل المستهلك للدفع للخدمة أو المنتج الذي قدمه التاجر، لا يتورط Mattgur في هذه الانتهاكات.
  6. جميع المعاملات التي تحدث بين التاجر ومقدمي الخدمات الطرف الثالث، الذين يقوم Mattgur بتيسير خدماتهم عن طريق الربط أو تقديمها لصالح التاجر والمستهلك، تكون مستقلة تمامًا عن Mattgur. تشكل هذه المعاملات علاقة تعاقدية متميزة عن Mattgur وتخضع للاتفاق الذي يتم إقامته بين التاجر ومقدم الخدمة. لذلك، إذا فشل أي طرف في تنفيذ التزاماته المتفق عليها بشكل صحيح، لا تتحمل Mattgur أي مسؤولية عن عواقب هذه الأفعال. لا تتحمل Mattgur أي مسؤولية عن أي انتهاكات أو سوء سلوك قد ينشأ بين التاجر ومقدم الخدمة.
  7. أنت تقر بأن Mattgur هي منصة إلكترونية على الإنترنت تمكِّن التاجر، الذي يوافق على هذا الاتفاق، من إنشاء متجر إلكتروني وممارسة أنشطته التجارية من خلال المتجر. ينتهي نطاق مسؤولية Mattgur في هذا السياق. لا تتحمل Mattgur أي مسؤولية عن أي انتهاكات تقوم بها التاجر داخل متجره، مخالفًا لأحكام هذا الاتفاق. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، لا تشترك Mattgur في المعاملات التي تحدث بين التاجر والمستهلك.

المادة 4 - الضوابط لإنشاء متجر إلكتروني

  1. يُسمح لأي فرد يمتلك القدرة القانونية المعترف بها وصحيحة بإنشاء متجره وفقًا للقواعد والأحكام المبينة في اتفاق الاستخدام، وتحديداً في "المادة الأولى - الأهلية القانونية للتاجر".
  2. يجب على المتجر الذي يتم إنشاؤه وفقًا لاتفاقية استخدام Mattgur الالتزام بقوانين ولوائح المملكة العربية السعودية. يتعين على التاجر تحديد طبيعة أنشطته التجارية الإلكترونية، وكذلك الخدمات أو المنتجات التي يقدمها أو يبيعها. تُنكر Mattgur بشكل صريح مسؤوليتها عن أي متجر ينتهك قوانين المملكة العربية السعودية أو لوائحها أو الآداب العامة. تحتفظ Mattgur بالحق في رفض تسجيل أي متجر إلكتروني لا يتماشى مع القوانين واللوائح الحالية في المملكة العربية السعودية أو أحكام هذا الاتفاق. وبناءً على ذلك، يقر التاجر، وفقًا لأحكام الاتفاق، بأن متجره لا يتعارض مع النظام العام في المملكة العربية السعودية أو الأخلاقيات الإسلامية.
  3. يجب أن يلتزم المتجر الذي تم إنشاؤه من خلال Mattgur بالقواعد والأحكام المبينة في اتفاقية الاستخدام هذه. يقر التاجر بأن عمليات المتجر، كما تجرى داخل المتجر، تتماشى مع هذا الاتفاق ولا تنتهك القوانين واللوائح الحالية في المملكة العربية السعودية.
  4. ليس لأي فرد الحق في استخدام Mattgur إذا تم إنهاء عضويته من قبل Mattgur أو عن طريق أوامر أو قرارات قضائية.
  5. إذا قام أي مستخدم بالتسجيل كمؤسسة أو شركة أو منظمة خيرية أو ككيان قانوني، فإنه يلتزم الكيان المسجل بالامتثال لجميع القواعد والأحكام الواردة في اتفاقية استخدام Mattgur.
  6. يُطلب من جميع المتاجر والتجار الالتزام بجميع القوانين ذات الصلة التي تحكم التجارة الإلكترونية. ويشمل ذلك الامتثال لقانون جرائم المعلومات، والتشريعات الصادرة عن وزارة التجارة والاستثمار، ونظام المعاملات الإلكترونية، ونظام التجارة الإلكترونية.
  7. يقر التاجر بأنه قبل التسجيل على Mattgur، قام بضمان إتمام جميع الإجراءات والمتطلبات التي فرضتها السلطات الرسمية في المملكة العربية السعودية. وقد أكمل جميع هذه الإجراءات والمتطلبات للمشاركة في أنشطته التجارية من خلال المتجر.
  8. إذا كان التاجر الذي يقدم طلبًا للانضمام وإنشاء المتجر هو تاجر فرد، شخص طبيعي، يجب عليه التحقق وتقديم المتطلبات اللازمة للسلطات الرسمية بناءً على طبيعة نشاط التاجر الفردي. يقر التاجر الفردي بالتزامه بتلك المتطلبات ويتعهد بتقديمها ومعالجتها. علاوة على ذلك، يلتزم التاجر الفردي بتقديم رقم هويته الوطنية وغيرها من المعلومات والوثائق الضرورية حسب الاحتياجات التي يحددها Mattgur.
  9. إذا كان التاجر الذي يقدم طلبًا للانضمام وإنشاء متجره يمثل مؤسسة تجارية أو شركة أو منظمة خيرية أو ككيان قانوني، فيجب تزويد Mattgur بجميع المعلومات والوثائق الداعمة الضرورية. ويشمل ذلك السجل التجاري وأي وثائق أخرى يحددها Mattgur للتسجيل، والتي تعتبر دليلاً على الشخصية القانونية للمتجر.
  10. The store and the merchant are required to adhere to the registration obligations outlined in "Article Five - Accounts and Registration Obligations" as well as all rules and provisions of the User Agreement.

Article 5 – Accounts and registration obligations

Upon applying to join the Mattgur platform membership or requesting to establish an online store, you are obligated to disclose specific information and select a username along with a confidential password for accessing the services provided by the Mattgur platform. Upon activation of your account, you become a user of Mattgur services, signifying your agreement to:

  1. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account information and password. By doing so, you agree to notify the Mattgur platform promptly of any unauthorized use of your account information on Mattgur or any other breach of your confidential information.
  2. The platform will not be held responsible in any way for any losses, whether direct or indirect, moral or material, that may be incurred by you due to the disclosure of your username or login information or in the event of misuse of the store.
  3. You are obligated to personally use your online store, and you bear full responsibility for its use. If someone else utilizes it, it implies that you have authorized them to use the store on your behalf and for your account unless the store management is notified otherwise.
  4. When using Mattgur, you are obligated to do so with all seriousness and credibility, adhering to the rules and provisions of the usage agreement, and complying with the regulatory and legal controls enforced in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. You are also obligated to compensate Mattgur for any direct or indirect losses incurred as a result of any illegal, unauthorized, or unapproved use of your account. This includes situations where access keys to your account are obtained by you or any other person, whether services are performed using the username and password with or without your authorization, or as a result of your negligence in maintaining the confidentiality of the username and password.
  5. Avoid including any of your contact details, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or personal information, in your username. Additionally, refrain from using any phrase that suggests a personal or commercial relationship between you and Mattgur, its employees, or owners.
  6. Do not include anything in your store that implies a direct or indirect relationship between the store and Mattgur, its management, owners, or employees. Mattgur is not involved in or responsible for the activities conducted within your store.
  7. Mattgur is committed to handling your personal information and contact addresses confidentially, in accordance with the provisions outlined in the privacy policy and the confidentiality of information applicable to Mattgur.
  8. You are obligated to maintain and regularly update your registration data to ensure its accuracy, correctness, currency, completeness, and legality. Mattgur reserves the right to suspend, freeze, or cancel your membership, store, and account on the platform without infringing upon the rights of other Mattgur users. Mattgur retains legitimate means to recover its rights and protect the interests of all users.
  9. Mattgur reserves the right, at any time, to conduct any necessary investigations, either directly or through a third party. You are required to disclose any additional information or documents, of any nature, to establish your identity or ownership of your funds or account.
  10. Failure to comply with any of the above may result in the management of Mattgur exercising the right to suspend or cancel your store or membership, and block your access to Mattgur services. Additionally, Mattgur reserves the right to cancel any unconfirmed and unverified accounts, transactions, or accounts that have remained inactive for an extended period.

Article 6 – Electronic communications and official means of communication

  1. The merchant on the Mattgur platform agrees to receive communication via email or through the management of the Mattgur platform for the dissemination of general messages sent to all users or specific users upon logging into their accounts within the Mattgur platform. The merchant also agrees that all agreements, advertisements, data, and other communications provided electronically serve as valid equivalents to their written counterparts, constituting standalone evidence to fulfill legal requirements.
  2. During your membership and trading period with the platform, Mattgur will send promotional emails to keep you informed about any changes, procedures, or new advertising activities that may be introduced to the Mattgur platform.

Article 7 – Amendments to the Terms of Use and Fees Agreement

  1. You acknowledge and agree that the platform will notify you of any amendments to this agreement, whereby your obligations may increase or your rights may be diminished based on any modifications made to this usage agreement.
  2. You agree that Mattgur holds the complete authority, without assuming legal responsibility, to make any fundamental or supplementary amendments to this agreement. Users will be notified of such amendments through any technical means available, including email or broadcasting a general message to all users. Mattgur provides technical means to indicate the store's acceptance of these amendments, and such acceptance is legally binding on the store for all provisions of the agreement, including the amendments.
  3. In the event of objection to any amendment to the usage agreement, it may impede access to the store. To benefit from Mattgur's services, approval of this agreement and any amendments is required. Therefore, if the amendment is not accepted, Mattgur expects you to discontinue using its services. Merely accessing your account on Mattgur or using its services is considered your acceptance of the modifications, signifying complete and unreserved approval, even if done inadvertently. Mattgur is open to answering any inquiries regarding this agreement and welcomes any suggestions the store may have.
  4. All fees are calculated in Saudi riyals, and the merchant is obligated to pay all fees due on the platform, along with any additional expenses imposed by Mattgur. Payment must be made through the approved and specified means available through Mattgur.
  5. Not all Mattgur packages and offers are free for merchants or stores, as some of these packages and offers are subject to varying fees.
  6. Merchants or stores may incur charges based on the offers or packages they join or the policies they adopt.
  7. Mattgur reserves the right to add, increase, reduce, or deduct any fees or expenses according to the rules and provisions outlined in the usage agreement, applicable to any of the users, regardless of the reason for their registration.

Article 8 - Payment and payment services for stores on the Mattugr platform

  1. Mattgur, through its partners, facilitates the payment and transaction system on its platform. Payments can be made entirely online using the available payment options on Mattgur or through any payment method provided by Mattgur from time to time.
  2. Mattgur has no involvement with the payment method upon receipt, as this payment method is contingent upon the relationship between the consumer, the merchant, and the service provider.
  3. The Mattgur platform may specify at any time and under any circumstances that payment transactions occur directly between the merchant and the consumer, using their respective bank accounts. In such cases, the Mattgur platform has no involvement in the transaction.
  4. Mattgur provides online payment services through the platform for the purpose of facilitating and safeguarding the rights of merchants and stores.
  5. The merchant is obligated to set the price of the services or goods displayed in their store in accordance with the recognized market value. Mattgur bears no responsibility for any misestimation of the cost of products or services offered in the stores on Mattgur. The correct estimation in commercially recognized terms is an obligation on the part of the merchant.
  6. The merchant is obliged to furnish invoices, receipt vouchers, and records for all amounts and profits generated in their store. It is incumbent upon the merchant to specify, in all these documents, the type of goods or service, their quantities, descriptions, and values. Accordingly, the merchant is required to provide the necessary accounting details in their online store, adhering to the stipulations of this agreement. Violation of this clause renders the merchant accountable for any damages that may arise as a consequence of the violation, considering the legal, economic, and commercial interests of the merchants within this regulation.
  7. Mattgur reserves the right to halt the completion of procedures for any payment process that violates the rules and provisions of the usage agreement. Additionally, Mattgur has the authority to cancel any purchase or sale order due to a technical or technological error in the platform resulting in a discrepancy between the prices offered on the platform and the market value of the product, even if it causes a loss for Mattgur. The Mattgur is not held responsible for these amounts.
  8. The management of Mattgur reserves the right to cancel, modify, or change any of the payment methods it has made available on the Mattgur platform.

Article 9 – Your personal information and transaction details information

  1. You agree to grant the platform an unlimited, universal, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, licensed right to use any information, personal materials, or content provided by you, submitted to the platform, or posted on the platform through your participation or incorporation into your store. This includes information submitted through designated communication and registration forms, emails, or any communication channels available on the platform. This grant is for the purpose of fulfilling any interests deemed necessary by the platform.
  2. You are solely responsible for the information you have submitted or published, and the role of Mattgur is limited to enabling you to showcase this information through the Mattgur platform and its advertising channels.
  3. The confidentiality of information pertaining to stores and merchants is governed by the rules outlined in the "Privacy Policy and Confidentiality of Information" for Mattgur.

Article 10 - Merchant's undertaking to abide by the laws and regulations in Saudi Arabia

  1. The merchant commits to adhering to all laws and regulations in effect in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia related to their products and/or their utilization of Mattgur. This includes compliance with applicable laws, terms, and conditions governing the use of online space, the usage agreement, the privacy policy, and the confidentiality of information as specified by Mattgur.
  2. If any merchant violates the provisions of Article 10, they acknowledge Mattgur's right to take any of the following measures, including but not limited to: issuing warnings, suspending services, closing the store, and refunding any pending amounts in electronic payments to consumers.

Article 11 - Rights

  1. All content on Mattgur, whether electronic or otherwise, written or unwritten, including, but not limited to: written and unwritten texts, graphic designs, technical ideas, logos, offers, button icons, symbols, audio clips, collected data, and electronic programs, is the property of Mattgur. All rights are reserved for Mattgur, and no one has the right to use it in any way, whether through direct or indirect means or through a third party.
  2. The management of the Mattgur platform emphasizes that it will take necessary measures in response to any infringement or violation of the rights or intellectual property belonging to the Mattgur platform.
  3. The platform shall not be held responsible in the event of infringement of the intellectual property rights owned by the merchants who are members of the platform or the stores registered with it.

Article 12 - Intellectual Property

  1. The management of Mattgur respects the intellectual property rights of the merchants, whether owned before or after the establishment of their stores.
  2. The merchant acknowledges and respects the intellectual property rights of Mattgur, including Mattgur itself, and the words, logos, and other symbols associated with Mattgur displayed on the platform. Mattgur, along with all associated rights, is protected by intellectual property rights and trademark laws, constituting exclusive property owned by Mattgur. Unauthorized use or infringement of these rights is strictly prohibited without explicit authorization from the Mattgur management.

Article 13 – Consumer

  1. During the completion of purchases, the consumer provides Mattgur with the following information, including but not limited to: name, email, and phone number.
  2. Mattgur's technology systems retain consumer data to facilitate their access to the platform and the completion of desired purchases.
  3. To ensure that Mattgur respects the rights of consumers, although the consumer is not a party to this agreement, and to achieve one of the most important goals of Mattgur by providing high-quality service to everyone, and in order to ensure that consumers receive all their purchases properly, Mattgur emphasizes the following to the store:

  4. If a consumer purchases goods using one of the payment methods available on Mattgur and does not receive the purchased items or receives goods that deviate from the specifications offered on the store page, the consumer has the right to notify Mattgur. Mattgur, in turn, has the right to take appropriate action against the store that violated the terms of this agreement, in accordance with the rules outlined in this agreement. However, it's important to note that Mattgur is not legally or contractually liable for this breach by the merchant in relation to the consumer. Mattgur is not a party to the relationship between the consumer and the merchant; it takes such actions for the purpose of enhancing the quality of Mattgur and the merchants on the platform.
  5. The consumer has the right to inspect their purchases before receiving them to ensure they are intact and match the items that were purchased. It's important to note that Mattgur is not responsible for the relationship between the consumer and the merchant.
  6. The platform is not obligated, under this article and clause, to respond to the consumer's complaint. The platform's response to the consumer's complaint is solely at the discretion of Mattgur, in accordance with the rules of this agreement. It is done in a manner that safeguards its commercial and economic interests and reputation. In any case, Mattgur may take certain measures against stores engaging in deliberate deception, misleading practices, or consumer fraud. These measures may include freezing the store’s membership, issuing warnings to the store, or requiring the store to compensate the consumer. These actions are taken at the discretion of Mattgur to preserve and protect the rights of all users and registrants on its platform.

Article 14 – Mattgur responsibility

  1. The platform is not liable for any unsatisfactory or delayed performance by stores, shipping companies, online payment gateways, banks, or consumer non-compliance with payment. Additionally, the platform is not responsible for any losses, malfunctions, or delays resulting from unavailable goods, delayed delivery, or the lack of quality of service provided by stores.
  2. Mattgur is not liable for any claims arising from errors or omissions, whether caused directly, indirectly, incidentally, or by a third party.
  3. Mattgur does not assume any claims or liabilities arising from financial losses, defamation, slander, or any damages resulting from misuse, abuse, or the inability to use Mattgur. Mattgur disclaims any responsibilities or claims in such cases.
  4. Mattgur, its officials, employees, or owners are not liable for any claim, dispute, costs, damages, or any liability, whether direct or indirect, or any loss to any party arising from an act carried out by a user of the platform.
  5. Mattgur, its employees, owners, and representatives have no responsibility regarding the legality, authorization, or proper use of a product in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. If a product is used for illegal or irregular purposes, no person or entity has the right to bring a lawsuit, claim, or seek compensation against Mattgur. All products or services offered on Mattgur are provided by merchants and their stores.
  6. Mattgur platform, its employees, owners, and representatives have no involvement in any illegal or irregular activities conducted by the store, or any activities that violate the applicable laws and regulations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The responsibility of the Mattgur platform is strictly limited to providing electronic support tools, which include establishing the online store and subsequent electronic support services.
  7. The management of the Mattgur platform issues a caution to all merchants that in the event of detecting any suspicious activities being planned, committed, or having occurred on the Mattgur platform, it will promptly inform the relevant authorities about these activities. The Mattgur platform holds no responsibility for any such violations that may occur without its knowledge or notice.

Article 15 - Confidentiality of Information

  1. Mattgur notifies you that the World Wide Web (internet space) is not a secure medium, and the confidentiality of personal information cannot be guaranteed 100% in the online environment.
  2. The Mattgur platform adheres to high-quality tangible, organizational, and technical standards to safeguard users and consumers, preventing unauthorized access to users' personal information or their stores, and ensuring its secure storage.
  3. The platform has no control over the actions of any third party, including other web pages linked through links on the platform, or third parties claiming to represent you and others.
  4. You acknowledge and agree that Mattgur may utilize the information you provided to offer services on the platform and send you marketing messages. The collection, processing, use, and transfer of your personal identification information are governed by the Privacy Policy on Mattgur, subject to the rules outlined in the "Privacy Policy and Confidentiality of Information" available on Mattgur.

Article 16 - Exchange and Return Policy

  1. You have the option to cancel the subscription to the (Hayak, and Nawurtina) packages when activating them for the first time and receive a refund of the subscription fees within 14 days of the subscription's validity. However, this option is not applicable to the (Libbeh) package
  2. Paid packages will be automatically renewed if the auto-renew option is activated, and there is an added credit card available or there is a sufficient balance in the wallet.
  3. When enabling the option for automatic renewal of the subscription, the balance will be deducted automatically as soon as the new subscription invoice is issued.
  4. Subscription to Packages (Hayak, and Nawurtina) can be temporarily suspended for a maximum of 30 days without fees, provided that the number of suspensions does not exceed twice in one year.
  5. When canceling a subscription to one of the paid Packages, you can continue to use the package and benefit from its benefits until the subscription end date.
  6. In the event of canceling any package for the first time, a transfer fee of 10.00 riyals, including tax, will be charged to your bank account, in addition to any other fees imposed to facilitate this process.
  7. In the event of withdrawing balance from the wallet, a transfer fee of 10.00 riyals, including tax, will be charged to your bank account, in addition to any other fees imposed to facilitate this process.
  8. You are allowed to withdraw funds from your wallet every 14 days.
  9. Shop design templates cannot be canceled or replaced.
  10. The validity period for purchased user accounts and branches is the same as the subscription validity period. When purchasing a user account or branch, the cost of the account will be calculated according to the remaining period of the package subscription.
  11. The validity period for packages purchased for Mattgur is one year from the date of purchase.
  12. If the package is not renewed within 5 days of its expiration, the merchant will be unable to access any of the platform's services until the package is reactivated.If the package is not renewed within 5 days of its expiration, the merchant will be unable to access any of the platform's services until the package is reactivated.

Article 17 - Cancellation of Membership or Store

  1. The Mattgur, in accordance with the usage agreement and the laws and regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, reserves the right to temporarily or permanently suspend the store, withdraw and cancel the merchant's membership, or restrict the merchant's ability to access Mattgur services in the following situations:
  2. Violation of the rules and provisions of the User Agreement.
  3. If the platform is unable to authenticate any of the user information provided to it.
  4. If the platform determines that the user's activities violate the law or may cause trouble or legal violations for other users or Mattgur.
  5. The Mattgur, at its discretion, may consider reactivating suspended users. A user who has been permanently suspended or had their membership canceled may be unable to register, restore their account, or use the platform in any manner until reinstated by the platform's management. However, in the event of a violation of this usage agreement, the Mattgur retains the right to recover any outstanding amounts owed to the Mattgur by the user, along with any losses or damages incurred by the merchant's actions against the Mattgur. The Mattgur also reserves the right to take legal action or seek recourse through judicial authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as it deems appropriate.
  6. The Mattgur does not waive its right to take appropriate action in response to any violation of the rules and provisions outlined in the usage agreement or similar acts of violation. The Mattgur is not obligated to take specific measures against any violation of the usage agreement; rather, this is subject to the discretion of the Mattgur management and legal department.

Article 18 - Payment, sale and purchase operations:

  1. The merchant is obligated to effectively manage his store, ensuring a positive consumer experience and avoiding any conflicts that may arise between him and the consumer.
  2. The merchant is required to oversee and manage the payment, sale, and purchase transactions occurring in his store using the specified payment methods outlined in this agreement.
  3. Mattgur reserves the right to reject or cancel purchases, whether payment has been completed or not. In such cases, Mattgur is obligated to notify the user within five days using any of the available communication methods provided by Mattgur.
  4. The Mattgur platform clarifies that it is not involved in any disputes that may arise between the consumer and the merchant. Additionally, Mattgur has no responsibility for any default or issues arising from the consumer's interactions with the store, whether due to default or other reasons.
  5. The merchant agrees and acknowledges that they will not engage in deceptive or manipulative purchases on Mattgur. This includes refraining from using false names or inaccurate personal information, as well as unauthorized use of credit cards for purchases. Mattgur retains the right to take appropriate legal actions against individuals involved in fraudulent activities of this nature.
  6. All merchants and stores acknowledge with full awareness that the transfer of funds for their commercial activities within Mattgur is subject to the authority and powers of the Monetary Agency in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Consequently, Mattgur cautions all stores and merchants that there might be delays in transferring certain funds due to the restrictions imposed by the Monetary Agency, the Ministry of Commerce and Investment, and the e-commerce regulations governing electronic buying and selling operations.
  7. Mattgur reserves the right to levy any fees on merchants or stores arising from their operations within Mattgur. These fees may include, but are not limited to, government agency fees, bank fees, administrative fees, or any other fees that Mattgur is required to pay due to the merchant or store activity.

Article 19 – Prohibited content and products

  1. As a merchant on the Mattgur platform, you are obligated not to permit the advertising or publication through your store of any content that violates the Privacy Policy and confidentiality of information or breaches the rules and provisions outlined in this usage agreement.
  2. The store platform strictly prohibits the sale of certain products and services, including but not limited to: Any product or service containing gambling, lucky boxes, or random products; Products or services that may cause physical or psychological harm in any way; Any pirated content or subscriptions, and anything that violates intellectual property and copyright rights; Any sexual or pornographic products or services, or content that promotes them.

Article 20 - Saudi Cybercrime Law

  1. Merchants are obligated not to violate any provisions of the Saudi Information Crime System. In the event of a violation, the responsibility lies solely with the merchant, and Mattgur holds no liability for the store's breach of applicable regulations. The merchant is fully responsible for interactions with consumers, and Mattgur reserves the right to take appropriate actions against any store or merchant violating the Saudi Information Crimes Law. This may include informing the authorities, closing the online store, or canceling the merchant's membership with the platform.

Article 21 – Restrict access or membership

  1. Without prejudicing the rights of other merchants, the Mattgur platform reserves the right to suspend or cancel a merchant's membership, or restrict their access to the platform's services at any time, without notice and for any reason, without limitations.

Article 22 – Warranty

  1. The Mattgur platform does not assure the correction of flaws and does not guarantee that the products presented by merchants are devoid of other defects. The responsibility for guarantees, including their duration, lies with the store or merchant if specified in the product description. Merchants are obligated to maintain high quality standards in their online stores.
  2. The store is obliged to establish a unique exchange and return policy specific to its operations, ensuring alignment with the regulations of the electronic commerce system and other relevant laws concerning warranties or electronic commerce.

Article 23 – Merchant's Responsibility

  1. The merchant agrees to assume responsibility and safeguard Mattgur, its employees, owners, or subsidiaries from any harm that may arise on the platform due to the merchant's violations. Additionally, the merchant is obligated to rectify or prevent any harm that might occur to Mattgur, its employees, or any of them, resulting from claims, losses, breakdowns, costs, expenses, or fees arising from the merchant's or user's misuse, leading to a breach of the usage agreement, regulations, or laws in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, or the infringement of the rights of a merchant or third parties, or a complaint from a user or third parties.

Article 24 - The relationship and notices between the Mattgur and the merchants

  1. None of the rules and provisions of this usage agreement imply the existence of a partnership between any merchant and Mattgur. Mattgur explicitly prohibits any merchant from indicating, directly or indirectly, the existence of any relationship between themselves as a merchant and Mattgur or its management. If a merchant wishes to send notices to Mattgur, they must do so via email, and Mattgur will respond through the same channel. As a merchant, you agree that any notices from Mattgur will be delivered to you via the email provided during the registration process.

Article 25 – Transfer of rights and obligations

  1. As a merchant, you do not have the right to object to the actions of Mattgur management related to the entity, obligations, ownership, responsibilities, or any technical or administrative actions undertaken by Mattgur. Mattgur is not obligated to inform you of these actions, and if it chooses to do so, it will be at its discretion and in accordance with the rules and provisions of the usage agreement.

Article 26 – Applicable law and legislation

  1. This User Agreement is governed and drafted in accordance with the laws, regulations, and legislation in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is fully subject to the current legislation enforced by the authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Article 27 Rules that the store must follow when dealing with the consumer

  1. The merchant is obligated to uphold honesty, integrity, and transparency when dealing with the consumer.
  2. The merchant is obligated to uphold good morals when dealing with the consumer.

Article 28 - Paper and electronic promotional publications and offers for the Mattgur platform

  1. The rules and provisions of this usage agreement apply to all paper and electronic promotional publications across various publishing platforms and through various social media channels.
  2. The aforementioned publications and promotions serve as a promotional method for Mattgur.
  3. Any offers presented by Mattgur are temporary and have a specified period. Mattgur is not obliged to extend the time period or maintain it, as it reserves the right to decide the eligibility of any user for the offer or to cancel it at any time.

Article 29 - Strategic and Logistics Services (Third Party Services)

  1. In accordance with the rules and provisions of this usage agreement, Mattgur may offer certain strategic or logistical services through third-party entities. These services may include, but are not limited to, shipping companies' services for the delivery of products and goods.
  2. Mattgur platform hereby notifies you that its provision of strategic or logistical services is solely aimed at facilitating, cooperating, and assisting users of the Mattgur platform.
  3. Mattgur platform informs you that it is not fully responsible, directly or indirectly, for any actions of any third party, and that its role is merely that of a link between the user and the service provider (the third party).
  4. Mattgur platform informs you that requesting this service is not mandatory; rather, it is based on the user's desire and need. When the merchant uses the third-party services available on Mattgur, Mattgur disclaims responsibility for this relationship. This relationship is governed by its own independent provisions between the merchant and the third party.
  5. Some providers of strategic and logistical services establish their own requirements or costs, and Mattgur has no authority over these requirements or costs. Therefore, Mattgur advises the merchants registered with it to review the terms of the service provider (the third party) and the costs of its services before confirming the service request.
  6. If a user submits a request for a service provided by a third party, the user authorizes and gives permission to Mattgur to provide the service provider (the third party) with the user's personal data that is requested, along with other data needed by the service provider (the third party). This will be done in accordance with the rules and provisions of the privacy policy and confidentiality of information in force on Mattgur.
  7. Certain services offered by third parties on Mattgur provide benefits to the merchant through policies established by an agreement between the service provider and Mattgur. These services are accessed through Mattgur, and the platform may deduct certain costs as outlined in the agreement with the service provider (third parties). Mattgur assumes no responsibility for any issues arising from the service provider's failure to deliver its services.

Article 30 - Technical Support

In accordance with the rules and provisions of this usage agreement, Mattgur provides various technical support services to stores and merchants based on the privileges associated with the package in which the store participates. For example:

  1. Free control panel for stores. The control panel includes some free services.
  2. If the merchant wishes to add additional, different, or multiple services, such requests are subject to the packages and offers policy of Mattgur, often entailing associated financial fees.
  3. Mattgur allows stores to communicate with its technical support team, which assists stores in navigating the platform and resolves any electronic technical issues that may arise.

Article 31 - Dispute Resolution

  1. In accordance with the rules and provisions of this usage agreement, any dispute shall be initially addressed through conciliation, negotiations, or amicable settlement. If the dispute persists, it will be resolved through the competent authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Article 32 - Policy for receiving consumer complaints and settling disputes

Mattgur platform hopes that, in the event of a complaint against a store, you follow these steps:

  1. The first step: Submit a complaint statement via the designated link on Mattgur, ensuring that the statement includes: the details of the complaint, supporting documents, and the name of the violating store. Subsequently, the Mattgur platform will forward the complaint to the respective store for resolution.
  2. The second step: If the store fails to respond to the consumer within seven days, the consumer will be notified accordingly.
  3. The third step: The consumer has the right to take appropriate action after reviewing the store's response to the complaint, and the Mattgur also reserves the right to close the violating store if the violation is proven.

Article 33 – General Provisions

If any provision or clause in this User Agreement is canceled or becomes unenforceable, it does not invalidate the validity of the remaining articles, clauses, rules, and provisions in the User Agreement. They remain valid until further notice from the management of Mattgur.

This usage agreement, subject to amendments as deemed necessary, serves as the operational framework, understanding, agreement, and contract between the merchant, their store, and Mattgur. The merchant and the store are obliged to adhere to the provisions outlined in this agreement, and the merchant acknowledges the following:

  1. This usage agreement applies to all users of Mattgur, governing the contractual relationship exclusively between the merchant and Mattgur. It is irrespective of the legal, institutional, commercial, or charitable form assumed by the merchant or store. The relationship between the merchant and the consumer is considered a distinct legal association, governed by independent regulations established between them.
  2. The store is required to draft its own usage agreement, ensuring compliance with the laws and regulations in effect in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This includes adherence to the Electronic Transactions System, the Electronic Commerce System, and other systems relevant to the merchant's operations.
  3. No one has the right – except for the management of the Mattgur; Enforce any articles, terms, or provisions in the use agreement for the Mattgur, and for the Mattgur to receive suggestions from merchants in relation to this agreement.
  4. If the usage agreement is translated into any other language, whether on Mattgur or otherwise, the Arabic text of the usage agreement remains the original in all transactions.
  5. This usage agreement is not canceled or amended except by a decision issued by the management of the Mattgur.

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